Thursday, July 14, 2016

July 13- Tossing a Fly, Saying Goodbye, and Broiling a Bullet Mackerel

Well...... It was a strange day. Obviously I can toss a fly any day. Today, was a pretty day. Bass and Bluegill were biting. It was great. It put me in a good mood...... A mood that was shattered when I ran into Jennifer while I was helping my 80+ year old Momma take her Dog to the Vet...... Jennifer had already been by our (suddenly my) House and got our (her) cat....... So now, what seemed to be a BAD BAD BAD Dream, is now totally REAL. The ABSOLUTE LOVE of MY LIFE is GONE. And by all indications, She will not be coming back. My Back. My Knees....... All the physical Pain in the World does not touch this. HEART BREAK. HEART ACHE. Whatever. Thinking about Jennifer and how close we were, Just a very very short time ago makes me Hyperventilate......   I am not going to dwell on it here, on this forum. I made mistakes. I shouldve SOLD this House. I fell in LOVE with Jennifer on our first date in June 1996. I LOVE her yesterday. I LOVE her today. I will LOVE her tomorrow. And I will LOVE her for a LONG LONG TIME...... I can not understand why she can not love me in return, but I am totally in debt to her for tyying because I DO NOT have to spend the rest of my Time on Earth wondering if we "would've made it."

Thank you Jennifer Goodwin Moore, I will forever Love You.....

Now, to my Fishing Followers. I apologize.... From My Back, to my Dad's Health, to my Suzuki, to my Knee's, to my Wife ....... I totally apologize. I was, at one time, in my heavily slanted opinion, I was the Best MIXED Inshore/Offshore Fishing Guide in Central North Carolina..... Money spent hiring Captain Marty Moore was Money Well Spent..... My 800+ NC Citations were equivalent to Degrees hanging in a Dentist's Office....... Now, I am not so sure.... I am just a fisherman, on a good day, I can seem like a "Fishing God"........On a poor day, I am liable to break down a really miis my wife to the point of tears.... I'm sorry..... Caal me to go fishing and we shall see what you get.....

Oh yeah, I actually kept a few Bullets. They made great bait....... I also figured the cat, Mister Tumnus would chow down on them too...... But Jennifer had come and got him...... NO MORE CAT.  Boooooo Hooooooo...... Any way, I pan seared a Bullet Mackerel fillet and guess what? Totally edible. I wouldn't say

Total Catch for the Day: 5 Largemouth Bass up to 2 lbs and 8 Bluegill

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