Friday, July 29, 2016

July 2016- Temperatures in the 90's

As I get older, I freaking hate July. Fishing has traditionally been okay for some stuff but overall, no one raves about "Great July Fishing" unless you hit a pocket of cool water in the deep and land a Billfish Grand Slam or a Giant Blue Marlin...... Of course, long time Top Water Charters associate George Frazier did put 13 Rainbow Runner on the Dock last weekend. That was SURELY the Greatest Catch of RR's in North Carolina Sportfishing History. PERHAPS the Greatest RR day in US East Coast Fishing History. And POSSIBLY the Best RR  in the History of Earth. Until George Frazier cane along, Id only met 2 or 3 people who'd ever caught 1 in their lifetime. What George is doing is amazing.

Rainbow Runner, also known as "Hawaiian Salmon" is a long, slender member of the Jack family that happens to have white Sashimi grade flesh. Highly prized.

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