Monday, September 19, 2016

Sept 19- Twenty Eight Years Ago Today

28 years ago today, Tony Englehardt and I were in his 17 ft Boston Whaler fishing. It was a beautiful day. We found ourselves down to the SW between the AR's. We were chasing small 3-5 lb Albacores and casting stingsilvers at them..Tony and I had each released a couple Albacore........

Tony raced up to the next school and I fired a cast. Routine. Just like all the others. Only this one was tougher. Tony was anxious to continue the chase to the next school. I cant budge him, turn towards him and track him down. Tony did and we were soon straight up and down over my fish. Now, I cant lift him, hes boring down hard, I replies as my rod deeply bowed and tip pulsed to the unseen fish's tail beat..... What on Earth is this one so different for I wondered? With crystal clear water, no wind, and bright sunlight, conditions were perfect. I peered over the side,  and way way down deep, 40 feet perhaps, laid a 50 lb Yellowfin Tuna. Holy shit Tony, I got a Tuna! As the shock wore off, now the tension increased. Ten worrisome minutes later, he was laying on deck. My first Yellowfin Tuna ever. 50 pounds. Caught on a stingsilver on 10# test. Small spinning rod. 28 years ago today.

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