Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nov 2- Spotted Sea Trout aka Speckled Trout En Fuego

Continuing to bite with reckless abandon down on the Southeast Corner of Radio Island. I made the hike down there today during a break from running errands with and for my daddy...... More importantly, I also got up early this morning and made the trip to Havelock to meet up with Jennifer. My Wife and The Love Of My Life, whom is No Longer In-Love with me. Life is always chunking knuckle curveballs high and inside to me and I strike out more than ole Mark McGuire did. As for Jennifer, she looked great and I hope she is happy. History has a way of repeating itself so I worry......But she clearly doesnt want or need me in her life. To the contrary, she surely acts as if I am a stranger, an annoyance.....even an escapee from a Leper Colony. Its not getting any better, only more and more distant.....BUT...... Most Importantly and The Purpose of ALL THIS:

She did bring Emma and pass her off to me! So, most importantly, I got Emma back. Thank God, I LOVE THAT DOG.  I will keep her for 7 or so days, maybe more. We shall see what works.....

Finally, back to the Fishing, back to Radio Island, and back to the Purpose of this BLOG. I did make the hike and I bombarded the Spotted Seatrout, the actual name for the more popularly called Speckled Trout. Today, it was an easy 19 cast limit and the size ran from 17" to 19". All fish were captured on red lead head/green curly tail grub. THIS IS THE GREATEST SPOTTED SEA TROUT LURE/COMBO OF ALL TIME.  Tommorrow I will make my first attempt at Smoking Fish. Emma will be my test taster, nevermind, she eats the skin off raw trout. Like a Kodak Brown Bearon the Yukon River....... Love Dad. Love Mom. Love Ellen. Love BJ. Love Emma.........Total Catch for the Day: 4 Speckled Trout 17" to 19"


  1. Wow.....passing a dog off like it's a child, how touching. That's part of what's wrong with the world today, nobody has a lot of common sense any more. No wonder so many marriages end up ship wrecked. My dad told me something I'll never forget and I've been married 40 years......marriage is like a roller coaster has its ups and downs....always remember the high points and they'll get you through the lows. Maybe your ex could've used some of my dad's advise.

    As for the fishing....good job.
