Thursday, February 2, 2017

Feb 2, 2017- Great Bass Fishing

Cbo and the first fish of the day

First Bass Landed

One of my first

It started getting old pulling the Phone Out

Chris with a fat Bass

Fish of the Day. 8 lb Largemouth Bass
Fish of the Year 2017 (so far........)
Chris and I went over near Pollacksville today to fish a Pond on his Father In-Law's Farm. A Farm Pond. I have fished plenty of Farm Ponds in my career, and this one is head and shoulders above ALL THE REST. Maybe 3 years ago, Chris took me there and in 3 hours we caught an estimated 35 Largemouth Bass and 20 of them were cookie cutter 4 pounders. It was stunning for such a small pond. I have patiently waited for another opportunity. Today was the Day. The Pond didn't disappoint. After a tough start because of a shoreline that has become hard to access because of overgrowth and weeds and trees. We finally settled on a spot opposite of where we found large numbers of fish in the past. It didn't matter. Im pretty sure that our activity eventually attracted the Bass "to us". In the following 2 hours, Chris and I once again caught an estimated 35 Largemouth Bass. I caught an 8 pound Largemouth Bass and a 5 pound Largemouth Bass. Chris also caught a 5 pound Largemouth Bass. We caught over 20 Largemouth Bass from weighed between 2 to 4 pounds each. Amazing consistency. Finally, we probably had 5 baby Bass in the 1 pound range. Once again, this was a World Class Largemouth Bass Fishing afternoon. This Pond is amazing. Total Catch for the Day: 35 Largemouth Bass from 1 to 8 pounds each

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