Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 14- Beaufort on the Fly and Life's Changes

One year ago, I was (I thought) happily married.I had a great Dog. Both my Parents were alive. I had a great 25 foot Boat with a Tower, which is now the "rage" for sight casting...... Now, here I sit a year later, I feel like a completely different person living a totally different life...... Most importantly, my Father passed away. Then,  I was completely dumbfounded by my wife, who woke up one morning and didn't love me anymore. Hell, she didn't like me either. She froze me out of her life and 2 weeks later...... She was gone. Moved 40 miles away. Six months later, she re-claimed her Dog as if it was a pair of boots left in the attic. Then.....last week, I sold my boat. I listened to my knees and the spots on my skin on that decision..... I honestly think everyday about selling my truck, selling my house, and finding a new career as well. Not so fast though. I would hate to make an important decision too quickly. Perhaps I will buy a boat and a puppy. Not sure. I miss my Daddy. He was 80 and his quality of life was awful. Doesnt make it any easier on me, or my Mommma or Brother, but he is in a better place...... I miss my wife. One of our last nights out together, she said you decide where we are going to eat. She said, quote, "you need to make all our decisions because I always make bad decisions".... Well, a week later, she actually "made a decision on her own" and decided to leave me. Why did she do it? I dont know. Self fulfilling prophency? I dont know, but I do know that our life together would've been so much better moving forward. I truly loved that woman....... I miss Emma the most (except Dad), she loved me uncoditionally and was innocent. She fell victim, like many children, to the failure of 2 loving adults to hold a relationship together. She is a "divorce dog". Emma suffered the most on this one.......Finally, I miss my Boat already. My knees are happy but my heart is broke again. Of course, the Chopper Bluefish and Giant Red Drum both show up on the Shoals and Flats right as the Top Water Boat is pulled away..... Any way, back to my new fatherless, wifeless, dogless, boatless life.... I did manage to catch a pretty little Largemouth Bass on a popping bug last week. Thats just great. A small victory and it brought a small smile to my face. Total Catch Last Week: 1 Largemouth Bass


  1. I've been married 40 years now to my high school sweet and why...I do not know sometimes even to this day. And I had my heart broke before she came along the same as like you just did. I have taken this one for granted thousands of times and still do and she takes me for granted the same way. Why it has worked and yours didn't is a mystery in a way but a true puzzle that only two can complete. Get over it and find another puzzle. The drum and blues ARE swarming around Shark Island......go gitusumit!

  2. I understand. This was once a mighty fishing blog.....

    That post maybe went too far into something unrelated to fishing.

    The reason I havent been fishing in the past 21 days has been more about grieving a loss of my father initially. Then it has been trying to help my mother settle a complicated estate. Also, remember 10 months ago a Surgeon said to me, " you need 2 knee replacements" and Im actually relatively pain free right now, but Im picking and choosing my battles. Also, there it is a fact that I pretty much had Shark Island and all those Drum and Bluefish all to myself for 5-7 years. Now, dont ask me to explain this, but Id just as soon watch a 6 oz Pumpkinseed suck down a popping bug than watch 15 40 lb Red Drum chase a bucktail. As a matter of fact, unless Mary Lee the Shark swims up to my Boat, I cant imagine anything on those Cape Lookout Shoals making me quiver. I sat off Shark Island in 1984 in a 16 foot Boston Whaler and bailed 4 lb Bluefish on bass plugs and wondered why the other 100 boats insisted on trolling spoons in Beaufort Inlet and caught 1 pounders. We called it Chippawas Island back then. I guess my lil cousin who we called the Chippawa got grounded there one afternoon and almost had to spend the night. The wonders of Cannabis! Anyway, you guys keep the spirit alive for me, and crush those Drum and Blues. Hopefully Im just in some weird phase..... It should pass..... What I am excited about are the Bonito and also the school of Blackfin Tuna that are coming. Yep. On the May full moon. The last 5 years in a row, a big school of Blackfin Tuna have swam the length of Bogue Banks. Catch em if you can. Ladt year I cast into forays for an hour and didnt connect. 15 to 30 lb Blackfins busting, jumping, cartwheeling, etc...... Theyve been caught by me, by Chris Kimrey, off the Bogue Inlet Pier, and others....It only lasts 1 day. Make it count. Its been on the May Moon. Its been lile clock work. See yall out there THAT day for sure. Damn, Im rambling......thats what e beers does to a non drinker

  3. I would like to figure a way to get 151 more NC Citations for an even 1000. Realistically, I aint gonna make it. Another early Fishing Goal is gonna die. It was a helluva run from 1988 until 2015. Of course, last year sucked.

