Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 5- Containers Adrift off Hatteras

Sorry guys.... I've been offshore!

Just thinking, 70+ shipping containers adrift North of Hatteras. Probably easing closer to shore.....

Back in 2006, a container was lost at Sea right before Thanksgiving. A week or so later, it washed up on the Beach at Frisco. The local Land Pirates, living up to their heritage beautifully, cracked it open and it began to empty it. Somewhat disappointing, but not a total loss, it was FULL OF.......


Doritos. Yep, everyone on Hatteras Island had free Doritos for weeks. All we needed was a container full of Mt Dew


  1. Hey man
    How you doing man? Hope all is well and has straightened out for you brother !!
    Are you interested in meeting us up in Port Clinton, Ohio area for our annual spring walleye trip to western Lake Erie?
    Wanted to give you a heads-up since the time is drawing nearer !!! The dates available to you are 4/23 - 4/27.
    Let me know as soon as you can.
    Call me if you want to discuss further ...716-372-0531 (home phone)
    Thanks man.
    P.S. I tried emailing you but they get returned as undeliverable????

  2. Crap Tom.... I been through a change man, to say the least. Phone and computer troubles with little incentive to straighten out..... Living with my Momma about 26 days a month.... Man, let me look at those dates later today. (Its 4am now!!) Insomnia is still a factor!!! I'm surprised anyone even looked at that post. Even with the lack of fishing, I still get guys getting on me for not blogging.... I guess I entertained a few!

  3. Marty get your gear and hit the bank at Weldon and then pop down to battle park in Rocky Mount for some shad. Always enjoyed reading your post about the shad on foot tour.

  4. Wish I would have been up there in 2006 I bet those Doritos were good lol
