Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Aug 15 Sharks, Kings, and Cudas

Today was a great day for small Kings and giant Sharks. Barracuda fishing was good too. My clients were from Ohio and 2 of them were 8 year old boys. What do 8 year old boys want? Sharks and Barracudas! First off we had a decent King Mackerel bite and caught 8 and released several. We also caught 3 nice Spanish Mackerel. Then we caught 3 Barracuda. Then we went King Fishing again and caught 3 in 10 minutes. King Fishing was smoking all day, most of the fish were 22" to 25", but we did have a couple that were larger. Finally we ended up Shark Fishing and it was "Game On". In 90 minutes we caught 5 Blacktip Sharks and 1 Dusky Shark. The Dusky was a beautiful 60 pounder. The Blacktips were huge. We had 4 over 80 pounds and the big one was 170. The biggest Blacktip ever landed on Top Water Charters. There was so much action, I don't even remember who caught it!!

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