Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12 Progress Report and Catfish

The Top Water Boat made the trip to Farmville today to Modlin's for the New T-Top, Tower, and Leaning Post. There was some really great looking stuff in that shop. Anybody looking for that type of work really needs to go meet Keith and see his products. I can't wait to see my boat when she's finished!

On the way home I hit the Tar River at Greenville and it was pretty much unfishable. The River was running very high and hard and muddy. Then I checked out the Neuse at Cowpen and it was a little better. In 90 minutes, I caught 2 Hickory Shad. One went under the knive for bait and the other swam away. I baited up the old cat rod 3 times and finally caught a 5 lb. Channel Cat.

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