Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 14 Crevalle Jacks and Sharks

On May 14th our fishing was made difficult by 20 knot winds and a Yamaha Jet Ski commercial shoot. We did manage to catch a few Crevalle Jacks to use for Shark bait and we managed to hook several large Bull and Lemon Sharks that tried to pull our 13 foot Boston Whaler into open water where it was a little too rough for us. I had to break off all our Sharks to avoid the Divorce Lawyers that are on Meredith's speed dial.
Later in the day I tried to catch more Barracudas down at Bahia Honda but I couldn't reach my favorite spot because the tide was too high. We did see lots of Tarpon rolling near the Old Bridge though. Things are looking good for tommorrow!

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