Monday, August 18, 2008

Aug 18 Citation Flounder and Broken Lines

Another "nearly" great day of fishing. 6 Southern Flounders and 2 Gulf Flounders on live bait that measured 24", 22", 22", 20", 19" and three released. The 24" Flounder weighed exactly 5 lb.s. The bad part was that we hooked up 7 Red Drum in heavy, heavy structure and even with the 80# PowerPro we couldn't keep them from breaking off. I finally managed to catch a smaller Red Drum at 24". Also giant Lizardfish and roving hordes of Pinfish made fishing interesting and aggrevating. We caught several of the Lizardfish. Lots of bait around, nice size too. Fishing is good now and should get better. Too bad I've got to go back to Hatteras tonight. The total for the day was 8 Flounders and 1 Red Drum.

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