Fishing wasn't great, but in 6 nights of fishing I caught 13 Flounders and a Gray Trout. Unfortunately, I didn't catch any really trophy Flounders. I did catch 6 that weighed over 3 pounds and my largest was a 21" fish that weighed 4 lb. 3 oz. All 13 Flounders were keepers from 17" and up. I also caught plenty of Black Sea Bass, Pinfish, and Bluefish. These 3 species really made my life difficult, devouring my live Mullets as fast as I'd cast them out. It was a good week for viewing aquatic creatures also. I had close encounters with Squid, Mantis Shrimp, Longnose Gar (the freshwater Gar), a Spotted Scorpionfish, Night Herons, and an Otter. The Mantis Shrimp was particularly interesting. I caught it one night and put it in my bait bucket. The following night I let it go. The next night it insisted on being let back in the bucket. We named him "Brooks" after the character in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Brooks couldn't cope with his freedom.
thats amazing story.