Monday, October 27, 2008

Oct 27 Bluefish, Speckled Trout, and Red Drum

I started out looking for Albacore and headed east. I made it 10 miles before I gave up the chase. On the Shoals I did find a fast moving school of nice 2-3 pound Bluefish. They liked the tricky water. It made things interesting! I caught 10 on metal before nearly getting swamped. I finally said, "Why am I doing this!" After the Shoals I headed for calmer water and caught 10 Speckled Trout, 3 Red Drum, 2 Sheepsheads, 2 giant Hogfish, and app. 25 more Bluefish on live shrimp. All the Trout were 10" to 12" and were released. I also released Red Drum measuring 25" and 26". I kept a 23" Red Drum and the 2 Hogfish. Total catch for the day was 35 Bluefish, 10 Speckled Trout, 3 Red Drum, 2 Sheepsheads, and 2 Hogfish. By the way, I was fishing by myself today and I would have loved to continued farther to the east, but in the name of conservative and self-preservation, I turned around and stayed on the "west side".

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