Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oct 30 Red Drum and Speckled Trout

  1. Dean and I thought it was going to be pretty this morning and we were going to waylay the Speckled Trout. As usual, we were wrong. 10-15 mph NW winds forecasted once again became 10+15 NW winds and boats at the Jetty were being blown around like dry leaves. We managed to catch a few Speckled Trout before our anchor broke loose and we had to re-anchor. We never could find a fish catching rhythm after that. We left the Rocks after 3 hours of pounding with 6 Speckled Trout total. That was 3 on ice, up to 19", and 3 tossed back. We searched for Red Drum and searched for Albacore and by lunch we were pretty much beat. Then, thanks to a friend that I stopped to talk to, we found something worthwhile! We got in a slough that was about 4 feet deep and before we ever casted, I saw about 10 Red Drum swim over my anchor line! It was game-on after that. In the next 60 minutes Dean and I caught Drum after Drum and a nice Speckled Trout. Double-headers and singles. We released them all except a 23" keeper. The majority of these Red Drum were from 16" to 17" and nearly all sported weird Spot Patterns. I guess that our total catch for the day was 7 Speckled Trout, 20 Red Drum, 15 Bluefish, 1 Summer Flounder, 2 Sheepsheads, and 6 Hogfish. (I caught Sheepshead #2 at the dock while cleaning the boat!)

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