Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nov 18 I'm Home and the Wind is Blowing

Same old story. Gale Warnings are up. The last part of my week at Hatteras was a bust. I hooked 2 fish. A 3 lb Flounder and a huge Ribbonfish. Both escaped. A co-worker caught 100 pounds of Roe Mullet on Sunday, but I forgot my net. Monday night I watched a big Octopus swim around for a few minutes and that's the whole story! Looks like a Rock Jetty Speckled Trout window might open by Thursday. Otherwise, it looks like I'll be hammering the surf. Maybe. Oh yeah, special thanks to a few guys at Hatteras that accepted the challenge of building me the ultimate Landing Net. A 25" aluminum hoop welded on a 15 foot telescopic handle. This thing is so sweet, landing those 15 pound Hatteras Sheepsheads and 12 pound Hatteras Flounders just got alot easier. Now if I can just hook them!

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