Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nov 9 Tough Fishing--Albacore and Trout

Tough fishing today. Too much ground swell, too much SW wind, and dirty water plagued the fishing. I wasted half the day by running east. A 40 mile trip to "nowhere" and when we made it back to Beaufort Inlet the wind was blowing and the water was dirty. Sorry guys. Highlights for the day were: Walt had a nice battle with a 14 lb. Albacore. Leonard caught a 3 lb+ Speckled Trout, and Will was top-hook on Gray Trout. Total Catch for this Trip: 14 Gray Trout, 6 Speckled Trout, 6 Bluefish, 1 Albacore, 1 Red Drum, 1 Northern Puffer, and 1 Lizardfish.

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