Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 28 Bluegills on Popping Bugs

I had a near miss this morning. As I was playing around in a Morehead Mung Hole, a huge shadow materialized under a Plastic Frog I was tossing. Before my eyes, in crystal clear water, the shadow slowly rose to just under my bait. One quick twitch of my rod tip and suddenly an 7-8 pound Largemouth Bass rolled up and grabbed my Frog by one hind leg and disappeared in a massive swirl. I knew the single hook was not in this fish's mouth. As she swam away, I prayed that this "Queen of the Mung Hole" would swallow her meal. After a few seconds, I set the hook and a 1 legged-plastic frog popped out of the water a flew towards my face. I had missed. Fishing at Wal-Mart will never be the same. The Queen had eaten a plastic frog leg and I know where she lives! Later, I tossed a fly in a Beaufort Mung Hole and caught 4 Bluegills. I found 1 spot that was stacked with Largemouth Bass, but they refused my bugs. They saw yellow, white, and black. They refused them all. Total Catch for the Day: 4 Bluegills

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