Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10 Cobias on Bucktails and Choppers on Top Water Plugs

I'd have to say today was my best day ever for Bluefish, and I started fishing for Bluefish back around 1970. That was not yesterday! We caught 7-13 pound Bluefish from 10am until 2pm on nearly every single cast. All of these Bluefish came from 1-6 feet of water and all came on Top Water Plugs. On 4 different occasions we caught 2 on 1 plug at the same time. For 2 hours, after every Bluefish foray, I would say, " We need to go look for Cobias!" We were piling up crazy numbers and couldn't quit. Finally after catching and releasing Bluefish for 4 hours, we went looking for Cobia. It didn't matter if we went earlier or not! In the first 5 minutes we saw 8 Cobias! Cobias number 2 and 3 were 90 and 100 pounders that were swimming with a seemingly small 70 pounder. Unfortunately these were 3 of the "smart ones" that weren't interested in our offerings. We cast to them, on them, over them, etc etc for 10 minutes. They wouldn't eat and they wouldn't spook. Chris was getting ready to "free gaff" the 100 pounder when a 35 lb Cobia showed up and swam up to the Boat. This one ate the bucktail and it was game on. An hour later we had caught 4 Cobia that went from 31 to 38 pounds. We kept 2 Cobias and released 2 to fight another day. Both released fish measured 38" and weighed 31 pounds on a bouncy Boga Grip. In the 60 minutes that we looked around, we saw at least 12 Cobias swimming on the surface. I'd call that a great day of fishing. Finally. Total Catch for the Day: 45 Bluefish (7-13 lb each) and 4 Cobia (31, 31, 35, 38 lb) That's about 600 pounds of Fish caught today!


  1. did you get the action photo of the blue on top of the water with the lure? What type camera?


  2. I use a Kodak Digital-Wal Mart Special. Not sure the model number. It has a setting that takes 3 pictures when you push the button once. It works okay for jumpers and head shakers. I'm trying to get better.

    Capt Marty
