Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23 Big Brown Fish?

Jim and CJ set sail today and priority #1 was to catch a Cobia. So we rode 68 miles and went west and east. Then we went east some more. To the secret spot. Finally CJ caught 2 Big Brown Fish. Both were over 100 pounds. Unfortunately, we had given up the dream and CJ caught and released 2 Sand Tiger Sharks. We also caught a Black Sea Bass. We chased 3 Chopper Bluefish, a Barracuda, Spadefish, and a Sandbar Shark unsuccessfully. You know the story, unrelenting SE wind and 4 foot Ground Swell continue to kill the Inshore Fishing. Total Catch for the Day: 2 Sand Tiger Sharks (100 and 115 pounds) and 1 Black Sea Bass

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