Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24 My Favorite Day

June 24 has always been a great day for me to fish. In the early 80's through the 90's, I always fished on June 24 and always had either a great day or caught a great fish. Here lately, I have not been able to fish this particular date on a yearly basis. One of my earliest, and greatest big fish adventures happened on June 24, 1988. On that date, Rich Chadwick and I were trolling for Spanish Mackerel from Rich's 18' Boston Whaler with size 00 Clark Spoons. For those who don't know, that is a very, very small spoon with a very small hook. It is commonly used when Spanish Mackerel are feeding on tiny minnows and is definitely not a "big fish bait". Fishing was good that day and we were having a great time catching Spanish Mackerel. Then something amazing happened. While I was reeling in a fish, a huge Amberjack came out of nowhere and swallowed my hooked Spanish Mackerel. Amazingly, the tiny hook on the Clark Spoon hooked the big Amberjack's rubbery lip and the fight was on! An hour later, Rich and I pulled the 66 pound Amberjack into the Boat. Amazing! When I went to unhook him I found the tiny Clark Spoon's hook was completely straightened and the only thing that had held this fish to the rod was the barb of the hook! That day, that fish, got me hooked on fishing and that feeling of wonder, shock, suprize, and accomplishment have never left.


  1. Great Story! I would like to see that Amberjack next time I'm over.

  2. Cliff G,

    I didn't own a camera back in those days. The most incredible things happened the Summer of '88. I would've loved to have had a camera. In August, a 45 pound King Mackerel that ate a bare chartreuse Sea Witch with a 20oz sinker that was being pulled 20 knots just inshore of MW Places. In September, a 50 pound Yellowfin Tuna, four miles off the beach, on a stingsilver, on a 10# spinning rod topped it off. The summer of 1988 hooked me for life!
