Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7 Southern Eagle Rays and a Cobia

John. Justin, and Sarah fished with me today and we battled the elements most of the day. This morning was rainy and thunder boomed in the distance. Fish-killing ENE wind blew all day from 14-18 knots and inshore fishing was horrible. We spent our morning trying to sight cast and during our 70 mile boat ride all we saw was 2 small Cobias and several small Amberjacks. Sarah caught and released a 30" Cobia while John's Cobia somehow avoided the hook after engulfing his squid twice!. None of us could get a bite off the same ole Amberjacks that have been sitting under the Trawler Bouy for the last 14 days. They have seen every artificial bait on my Boat by now. By afternoon we went inside and floated the net with Menhaden and ran back out to the Cape Lookout Bight to give Bait Fishing a try. Fishing was interesting, but we did not get a Cobia bite. We did catch Bluefish, Southern Eagle Rays, Southern Stingrays, and Sharpnose Sharks. The Southern Eagle Rays are unusual and are not as common as their larger cousin, the Spotted Eagle Ray. We catch lots of Skates, Stingrays, Butterfly Rays and Cownose Rays, but Southern Eagle Rays aren't common. The ones we caught today were nice sized too, around 30 pounds each. They were great fighters and made smoking runs. Finally, on the way home, we fished a beautiful tideline off Beaufort Inlet and we found nothing. Total catch for the Day: 1 Cobia, 1 Bluefish, 3 Southern Eagle Rays, 3 Sharpnose Sharks, and 2 Southern Stingrays

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