Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 17 Red Drum and Bluefish

Perfect Coditions made the fishing a little difficult today. I don't think we ever saw a fish that didn't all ready know we were there! There were hordes of 2-4 lb Bluefish on the Shoals today, along with lots of other things. We hammered the Bluefish pretty good, but it definitely was not "every cast" fishing. They were tough. I also cast to Pompano, Ladyfish, and Crevalle Jacks unsuccessfully. Sand Tiger Sharks were all over the Shoals today. I hooked a 125 pounder on a gulp on 8# spinning and we reeled him as far as possible. Of course, the Shark never knew he was hooked and he was cruising in 4 feet of water. Release! Call it what you want. The leader touched the rod tip! Later in the day, we found 2 schools of Red Drum and the boys got a 28" release and a 21" keeper. We also hunted for Blacktip Sharks. We found some, but they were in the Drum area and we decided not to multi-task. Total Catch for the Day: 20 Bluefish, 2 Red Drum, and 1 Sand Tiger?

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