Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aug 26 Ladyfish and Red Drum

Clifford and Korey bought into my plan to smoke the Ladyfish tonight. Unfortunately, the Shrimp run had tapered off and the Ladyfish weren't nearly as wreckless as the night before. However, our catch percentage was much higher. This was mainly because we managed to catch a few live shrimp in a dip net that were "money in the bank" on these Ladyfish. Three out of five Ladyfish that ate live shrimp got caught because there was no plug to leverage into a pulled hooks. Tonight's number were (I'm guessing): 25 strikes, 12 hook-ups, 5 caught and 3 released. Not too bad, but nowhere near last night's activity. Three guys casting for 25 strikes hardly compared with one guy casting for 200 strikes! I was lucky enough to catch my new career best Ladyfish at 30" TL and 4 lb 8 oz. There was another diversion though. We also caught 2 Red Drum out of a nice school that was busting on top under a lighted dock. That was pretty cool. Korey got his Red Drum on a top water plug that a dozen Drum tried to eat in plain sight. We also busted off 3 Red Drum that made into the heavy structure that was way too close! Clifford also caught 2 Southern Flounders and a Ribbonfish. Lots of activity under our lights tonight, but we never did lure the fish in real close like I was hoping. Earlier in the day I had caught a 17" Southern Flounder too. Total Catch for the Night: 5 Ladyfish up to 4 lb 8 oz, 2 Red Drum up to 21", 3 Southern Flounder up to 17", and 1 Ribbonfish

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