Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sept 1-5 10lb Sheepsheads

Another shift at Hatteras and conditions were horrific. However, the Sheepheads that have made my summer were still there. Casting straight into a 15-25 kt NE wind made things tough. Feeling a bite with your bait being blown right back in your face was hard too. Regardless, I managed to catch 1 to 3 Sheepsheads per night. I also had a co-worker that caught his first 2 Sheepsheads including a 10 lb 4 oz trophy. Way to go Doug! Two other of my "trainees" caught at least 4 nice Sheepsheads, but I'm not sure of their size. My biggest Sheephead of the week actually escaped after a botched netting attempt when my fish got his dorsal spines hung in the net and never was "in the net". My little buddy, Stevie B, who is only 5 feet tall, couldn't see over the rail, but he felt the weight and started lifting my big Sheepshead. Screaming at him to lower the fish did no good. As the monster neared the rail, he exploded and fell out of the net and he was free. Once again, the biggest one escaped. For the week, I caught 7 Sheepheads, including a 10 pounder and a 9 pounder. The one that got away was probably a 12 pounder. Oh well. My 9 pound Sheepshead was an adventure. I had already put my net up and decided to make one final drop. I quickly hooked up and knew I was in trouble. With no other options, I handed the rod to a cool Asian Couple and told the guy "Good Luck, it's a nice one and I'll be back in a minute with the net!" By the time I got back to the scene there was a crowd of 30 people watching the action! It was a good show, apparantly this dude didn't know about the Reel. He and his wife were both lifting the rod over and over, but were not taking in any line! They were also screaming and very excited. The problem was the fish was still 80-100 feet out on the darkness. Once I showed him the reel and what to turn, everything went smooth and we decked the fish. I wish I had a camera with me to post a picture of them with that fish! They will never forget that battle and I gave them the fish to take home. Sheephead fishing has got to be over for me now. Bring on the Flounder. Total Catch for the Week: 9 Sheepheads up to 10 lb 4 oz

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