Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sept 23 Two Coolers Full of Fish, Plus Releases

Monty, Sean, and Tom fished hard today. We covered a lot of water and we caught lots of fish. Casting to Albacore and Spanish Mackerel in the morning was pretty good. Then we went East and found dirty water and confused seas. Back the other direction and we caught more Spanish Mackerel, plus a mixed bag on the bottom. Tom got a 16" Summer Flounder on a speck rig. Sean got a big Pinfish chomped in two and I hooked him up with a treble hook on a wire. Thirty minutes later he a released a 31 lb Barracuda on 8# spinning tackle. This was a Great Barracuda and it lived up to his name with 4 great jumps and about 10 changes of direction, and then slugged it out in the deep for 15 minutes. Not bad for an 10 year old, even one on his way to the NFL. Then we ran to Beaufort Inlet and caught all the Bluefish the guys wanted on metal and top water plugs. Then we made our only mistake. Back to the East 8 miles for nothing. We did see an amazing Bottlenose Dolphin gathering and aerial show. Finally, back in Taylor's Creek and we bailed the Croakers, Spots, Sea Bass, and more Pinfish. Monty freaked us out when he caught an oddball 22" Red Drum out of a school of Croakers. Total Catch for the Day: 1 Barracuda at 31 lbs, 7 Spanish Mackerel, 16 Bluefish, 6 Albacore, 1 Red Drum, 1 Summer Flounder, 5 Black Sea Bass, 1 Rock Sea Bass, 2 Hogfish, 30 Croaker, 3 Spot, 2 Scup, 3 Menhaden and 20 Pinfish

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