Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct 11 Great Fishing in Taylor's Creek

I stayed on shore today and it was a good thing. I caught a "Double Carolina Inshore Grand Slam",I caught a new career largest Croaker and I got a cooler full of fish. All this without the aggravation of boating! The double slam was made up of 2 small Southern Flounders, 5 fat Speckled Trout, and 6 slot and up-sized Red Drum. My big Croaker weighed 2 lb 10oz. That Croaker is only slightly larger than the other dozen that I caught. All these Croakers were over 2 pounds. The Red Drum ranged in size from 25" to 29". I also broke 2 off in structure and pulled the hooks on an app. 12 pounder that I hooked over an Oyster Rock in 2 feet of water! The suprizing Speckled Trout ranged from 18" to 22" each. I even got an odd-ball 2 pound Sheepshead. All these fish were caught on 5" white Gulp Jerk Shad. Now for the bad news. I caught 2 monster Lizardfish and in the chaos that followed a vicious Lizardfish strike that ran under the dock and I thought it was a nice Red Drum, I knocked my "Un-Replacable Landing Net" overboard. This happened in 10 feet of water and the tide was boiling. Dispite an hour of recovery efforts, I didn't get my net back. This was a 30" diameter aluminum hoop on a 15 foot telescopic handle. This net was responsible for all my Hatteras Sheepsheads and Flounders and all my Taylor's Creek Red Drum and Flounders. Total Catch for the Day: 6 Red Drum, 5 Speckled Trout, 2 Southern Flounder, 13 Croaker, 1 Bluefish, 1 Sheepshead and 2 Inshore Lizardfish


  1. You piss me off. Where is this "dock" you always fishing on?

  2. "My fishing world has been turned upside down."

    I'll give you a nickel if you can catch a keeper flounder standin' on your head.
