Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct 17-19 More Poor Fishing and Bad Weather

Slow, slow fishing with the rod and reel, but there was pretty good cast-netting up a Hatteras. Conditions went from horrible to pretty damn nice by last night, but the fishing never recovered though. Fishing in a 40kt NW wind and rain was pretty messed up. I still caught a couple of fish in the bad weather and I hit 1 cast with the cast net for 65 pounds of Roe Mullet. The middle night was horrible, but the first Squid of the year showed up and wiped out a school with the cast net. Big Squid, up to 17" total length. Enough to feed 4 people. The angling highlight came when a small Red Drum attacked my finger mullet. Odd because for all the fishing I do at this spot, this only the second Red Drum I ever caught there. The last night, I managed to catch a 19" Southern Flounder and 9 really nice Squid on a squid jig. Some were bigger than I like to fry at 20" total length. Squid are a blast to catch on light tackle. I also caught the last Ladyfish of the year, a small one. In between all this, a few Black Sea Bass were biting. Total Catch for the Period: 1 Southern Flounder, 1 Red Drum, 1 Ladyfish, 7 Squid and 10 Black Sea Bass

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