Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26 Bluefish in Windy and Wet Conditions

We got the Bluefish pretty good in Beaufort Inlet this morning. Then we ran to the East to look around. This excursion happened around 10am-11am when the Wind was steady at 25kts and gusting to 35kts. Needless to say, that was nothing but a wet boat ride. We came back to Beaufort Inlet and fished about 4 different places and found dirty water and very few fish. Finally, we ended up right back where we started and Howard, Tom, and I socked it to the Bluefish. It was nearly every cast with anything you tied on. The Bluefish were bigger than the ones we found in the morning. Howard kept about 12-15 Bluefish that were 1+ pounders. Howard also caught a Speckled Trout. When it all said and done, it was a good day to catch Bluefish on a day hardly fit for fishing! Total Catch for the Day: 50 Bluefish, 1 Speckled Trout, 2 Inshore Lizardfish, 3 Pinfish and 1 Black Sea Bass **1986 Total Fish in 2009**

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