Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct 29 Albacore and Bluefish

I'd have say it was great Albacore Fishing. Tom, Mike and Matthew each released an Albacore in about 5 minutes of casting. We didn't stick around to mess up that average. Off the Shoals at Cape Lookout we went and we found a full fledged Bluefish Blitz. The guys caught them on every cast and they kept all they wanted to clean. After that it was a struggle. We fished for Gray Trout and Speckled Trout and all we got out of that was a 13" Speckled Trout that was not up to current NC standards. I did toss the cast net a couple of times and load the boys up with quite a few large Jumping Mullets. Back to Beaufort Inlet and we played with Bluefish for another hour before we called it quits. I liked these guys, they were out for Blood. The top picture clearly shows that somebody had a worse day than we did. Hopefully nobody got injured. Total Catch for the Day: 3 Albacore, 1 Speckled Trout and 80 Bluefish

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