Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dec 3 Speckled Trout Bite

The Wind has been blowing and the Rain has been falling. What else is new? This afternoon things started to look a little better, so C-bo and I decided to take a little walk out to the Radio Island Rock Jetty. Fishing was pretty good even though the Speckled Trout were mostly too small. During the last 30 minutes of the falling tide, we were averaging a strike on every other cast. That will keep your attention. Between the two of us, we caught 25 Speckled Trout and I had a 15" Trout and a 16" Trout. All the other Speckled Trout were released and measured between 11" and 13". All things considered, I called that a pretty good little fishing rally. Total Catch for the Day: 25 Speckled Trout **2532 Total Fish in 2009**

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