Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dec 9 and 12 Incredible Squid Fishing

Its the same old story and if you read about once, there's nothing else to learn or hear, but the numbers were unreal. On the 9th, I had 2 Squid frenzys that lasted 20 minutes each. On one drop, I caught 3 Squid on one Jig. The morning of the 10th, I cleaned 80 Squid and bagged 83 Squid to give away. That's 163 Squid. These Squid were small ones, from 2" to 10" each. On the 12th the big boys showed up and I torched them. I'm pretty much over cleaning them so I gave them all away. I never counted these Squid, but 7 people got more than they wanted. It was way up a 5 gallon bucket. I guess 75 Squid. These were 12" to 20" Squid. Nice ones. Total Catch for the 2 Nights: 238 Squid

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