Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nov 25 Manns Harbor Striped Bass

I caught a ride with Chris today and we planned on giving some Striped Bass a hard time around Oregon Inlet. Unfortunately, it wasn't a great weather day, so we scrapped our Inlet plans and headed back to the Mann's Harbor Bridge. We were thinking numbers, not size. Too bad for us because we really didn't find either. We did manage to scrap up a few bites on plastic jigs. Unfortunately, Chris and I each lost our biggest Stripers of the day. The ones we caught were 16" to 20" and we released them all looking for a 10 pounder. I really was fun though, I hadn't fished the Bridge since 1999. We also carried some eels with us but we couldn't buy a bite on the live bait. I also caught a Blue Catfish. I guess that shows how much rain we've had. The last fish of the day was drop dead crazy! We were chasing "the only birds of the day" and had ran way inshore on the Manteo side when I picked up a pretty nice Sturgeon. I say "pretty nice" because I have no reference for comparison. I have seen a few jump off the Cape Lookout Shoals in winter and that's about it. For a big fish, I'd guess 15 pounds, he didn't have much fight. I guess he had already made a nice migration just to get where he was and he was pretty worn out. Still an impressive fish and it was nice to get my hands on one. Total Catch for the Day: 6 Striped Bass, 1 Blue Catfish and 1 Atlantic Sturgeon

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