Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 27 25 Knot Winds and Dog Shark Frenzy

Greg and his Dad and his 3 sons joined me for a difficult day of fishing. Relentless North winds and very muddy water made finding fish today a big challenge. The great thing was, these boys just wanted to catch fish! That helped, but I was still worried about our chances. I knew that all my favorite "go to" spots were going to be impossible to fish. So I rolled the dice and ran East. When we got to the first spot, lines went into the water, and 3 rods bowed in a matter of seconds! It was a beautiful thing. Two hours and 30 Spiny Dogfish later the boys were happy! These Spiny Dogs weighed from 3 to 10 pounds each. After taking a break to eat lunch, which was interupted by a Smooth Dogfish and another Spiny Dogfish, we ran back down to MHC where we caught 12 Black Sea Bass. Total Catch for the Day: 31 Spiny Dogfish, 12 Black Sea Bass and 1 Smooth Dogfish

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