Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29 I'm still at Hatteras

I've been here too long. Tommorrow will be day 10 and I need to get home. Since my last report, I've caught another Sheepshead on a Hermit Crab and I've wrapped up a few more Jumping Mullets. The Mullets are big ones for June, 2-3 pounders and great for the grill. I've had them 4 times in 9 nights and they are still great. My Sheepshead was a small one, less than a pound. Today I found a lump of 4 Sea Urchins. I thought about catching them and using them for bait. They might be the key to the future though. The last 3 years there was an endless supply. I could harvest 50 per day, 365 days a year, and never see a change. Now they are all gone, except the 4 I found today. Those 4 might re-populate the entire Basin. Then again, those 4 Urchins might quickly become a batch of Sheephead Citations. Capt Marty's Dilemma! Total Catch for the Period: 1 Sheepshead

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