Monday, June 7, 2010

June 6 Bailing Dolphin

I got a chance to fish offshore at Hatteras today and the fishing had been great so I decided to go for it. As usual, the weather forecast was iffy. We woke up to a 20kt SW wind. Once we reached the fishing grounds, the wind was honking and the current was blazing. That combination actually helped hold the seas down, I think! Our biggest problem was that Saturday's Dolphin schools were 20 miles farther South on Sunday morning. So we chased them down. By lunchtime, we had 1 Skipjack Tuna and 4 Dolphins. After we found the spot, we sacked them up pretty good. Lots of bailers and 7 between 15-25 pounds. Ed got the largest, a 25lb Bull Dolphin on a spinning rod. Frank got his largest, a 17 pounder, on a trout rod. When it was all said and done, we had caught about 350 pounds of Fish. Total Catch for the Day: 62 Dolphin up to 25lbs and 1 Skipjack Tuna

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