Howard and crew joined me for a half day of fishing, and as usual, we were greeted by gray skies and 20+ knot SW wind. The Ocean and all my favorite spots were closed out. So after wasting a trip to Cape Lookout, we headed back down to Beaufort Inlet and found a Bluefish feeding frenzy that lasted all morning. We pretty much caught Bluefish on nearly every cast and there was just enough Spanish Mackerel mixed in to make things interesting. After the fishing slowed down, we took advantage of the last of the incoming tide to do some Shark Fishing. After missing a small Shark and a big Shark, we worked out our problems and our last 3 sets produced a 75 lb Blacktip Shark, a 30 lb Blacknose Shark, and a 30 lb Southern Stingray. The weather was a downer, Howard has had the worst luck picking pretty days. I really hope he nails it this fall and we have an "epic day" he deserves it! Unfortunately, my bikini streak ended today too. Where are you KJ? Total Catch for the Day: 50 Bluefish, 3 Spanish Mackerel, a 75 lb Blacktip Shark, a 30 lb Blacknose Shark, and 1 So Stingray
Good to read a fishing report, but you done in got me hooked on another species.....I want to see more of Bikini Girl!!