Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 28 Fishing at Night

Dan and his crew joined me on a night mission and the action was pretty good. Before dark we casted to fast-moving schools of Spanish Mackerel and into slower moving Bluefish frenzys for a half hour. This action was pretty hard to get into. With 3 casters at all times, we only managed to box 2 Spanish Mackerel and 8 Bluefish. The wind, the seas, and 6 other boats made it difficult and the fish were a pain in the ass too. The real action, by the way, seemed to be over at Rough Point where some really nice surf was coming in. Tommorrow looks to be an epic day for the surfers. Tonight there were 25 surfers that were still ripping it up after the sunset. Looked like fun. The dunes came to life later with bonfires popping up and the smell of burning "retardedness" drifting across the sound. Looked like fun, smelled like fun, and the Sharks even got the munchies over on the Shark Shoal. Action was good until we ran out of Spanish Mackerel chunks. We got a couple of bites on cut Bluefish, but it wasn't the same. When we decided to leave, everybody had released a 20-30lb Blacknose Shark and we had caught 2 baby Sharks and a Bluefish. We also pulled off 3 smokers. Blacktips? Maybe. Then we went inside and casted unsuccessfully for Ladyfish. There was quite a bit of surface activity, but we got NO strikes. Bummer. Total Catch for the Night: 5 Blacknose Sharks, 9 Bluefish, 1 Sea Robin, and 2 Spanish Mackerel

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