Friday, October 29, 2010

Oct 29 Toughest Day of the Year

My cousin, Ellen warned me that there would be days like this. Horrible. Everywhere we went there was a problem. I knew the 25kt NW wind after yesterdays 25kt SW wind was going to be trouble. First thing this morning I went to Beaufort Inlet and soaked my crew with sea spray as they casted to sporadic Bluefish in the "washing machine". After 10 cold, wet minutes and 4 Bluefish on metal, I decided a radical move was in order! So I ran 15 miles North and got out of the wind, but the current was horrific. The fishing was fast and furious. As furious as 8" Hogfish can get! (not very) So we caught them for a while and believed we could do better somewhere else. Wrong! Back to Beaufort and we tried yesterday's Spot spots. They were very crowded and not very productive. So the genius Captain decides to make another bold move! Out Beaufort Inlet and 8 miles East. For Nothing. Back to Beaufort Inlet for nothing. On to the Boat Ramp and a miserable day of fishing was over! Sorry Guys. It was pretty much a 65 mile boat ride. Total Catch for the Day: 14 Hogfish, 4 Bluefish, 1 Croaker, 8 Pinfish and 1 Sand Perch

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