Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 9 5 Pound Bluefish and a School of Red Drum

Capt Lee ( and I went on a short trip today. The SW wind was aggravating and kept us off my beach Drum, but we found another school, so what the heck. Unfortunately, Lee was a little slow on his retrieve and a 5lb Bluefish hammered his gulp before the Red Drum ever saw it. I nailed a 27" Red Drum on my first cast. As we moved in for the second kill, about a dozen other boats had took notice and it was over for that school! They ran up into the breakers and disappeared. After that we rode around and played with some big Bluefish on light tackle. Lee got what we wanted and the rest walked. We also saw some grown Blacktip and Sandbar Sharks on the Outer Shoals. 100+ pounders. Total Catch for the Day: 8 Bluefish up to 5lbs and a 27" Red Drum

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