Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aug 14-15 Hatteras Bass, Carp, and Squid Fishing

I got to be at work at 12:30 and it looks like a good week to fish. As far as the Hatteras Beach goes, low tides are occurring in the morning so I'm on a bad cycle. The past 2 mornings I've rode the Beach and nothing has been happening. Where are all the Bluefish and Sea Mullets I been hearing about? They are probably biting better about the time I have to go to work when the tide is up. So today I went up to Avon and tried to catch a Carp. Unfortunately I still haven't had any luck with those 30 lb Carp, but I did catch 3 Largemouth Bass on a plastic worm and a Turtle on a bloodworm. The Bass were 1-2 pounders. At least that's something. Last night, I was playing around with some nice sized Squid but I didn't have my Squid jigs. I used a mirrorlure and had 15 strikes, but none of them got hooked. Thats the crazy thing about Squid. You CAN NOT hook them, they must grab a point of a hook in order to get caught.. Even crazier, I did manage to catch a 9" Bloodworm last night that was hooked on 2 treble hooks of my mirrorlure. Did it bite the lure? I'm not sure, but this is Hatteras! ***Update*** On the nights of the 14th and 15th, I did mange to a catch a couple of nice Loligo Squid. This variety makes great calamari. I managed to get my hands on a couple of squid jigs, but the Squid are full of eggs and they aren't real aggressive. Squid fishing is always fun and I love to watch them explode in clouds of ink. Also I managed to make $20 by swallowing a squid eyeball. A fool and his money......Total Catch for the Day/Night: 3 Largemouth Bass, 4 Squid and 1 Bloodworm


Mike said...

Turtle soup is delicious

Capt. Marty said...

Even yellow belly sliders? For real, have you had turtle soup?

Mike said...

Had it in New Orleans at K-Pauls. It was delicious.

Mike said...

I don't know if it was a yellow belly slider or not. They'll cook most anything in NO.

ehirunner said...

Hey--the bonit@ are showing up off NRI and Sneads--seen any in Hatteras or Beaufort areas yet?

Ryan said...

If they're grass carp, I caught one 30+ lb and missed another blowup on a super spook jr one afternoon a few years ago, right around this time of year. Thought I had the biggest bass of my life on the initial strike and hookup. Hasn't ever happened to me since those two fish that day, but maybe there's something to it?