BIG FISH on LIGHT TACKLE The daily fishing reports from Capt. Marty Moore of Top Water Charters. Plus, news and notes from Capt. Marty
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Cape Hatteras Blue Crabs and Poor Fishing
I'm back at Cape Hatteras for a wonderful week of ferrying the traveling public across Hatteras Inlet. As always, I will try to catch a few fish while I'm here. So far, the fishing has been as bad I've ever seen it at South Dock in my 10 years of effort. Perhaps its because my fishing time is occurring during the falling tide.... Perhaps there is too much grass and other debris in the water.... What I really think is it is due to the incredible number of Blue Crabs that are dominating my fishing hole.... Wednesday night, I'd had enough of nothing and set a crab pot. Three hours later, I shook 28 Blue Ccrabs out of it. I also dipped a few with my landing net and caught a few on live Mullet. Thursday night's crab count was 16 Blue Crabs out of the Pot. Remember, this is basically a 3-4 hour soak time and baited up with inferior bait. Chopped up Pinfish and Sand Perch aint the best crab bait! Pity the poor Flounder that settles on the bottom at South Dock. He is in for a short stay or he is gonna get his ass pinched! Hopefully, the 60 kt wind and torrential rain we just had will "shuffle the deck". I did fish Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights with a rod and reel and so far, it was been nothing to brag about.... At all.... The absolute highlight of my fishing week so far was last night. I had a shot at a Houndfish that made about 3 passes under the ramp where my Ferry was tied up. This was NO ORDINARY Houndfish. At first glance I thought it was a Freshwater Gar. Happens occasionally at Hatteras, especially drought summers and especially after bad storms. But it was so big it couldn't have been a Spotted Gar, the kind are common to NC waters. I thought thats a damn Alligator Gar. The monsterous variety down in Texas and the Gulf States. On it's next pass I got a better look, it was clearly just a Houndfish. But this monster was pushing 7 feet and had an enormous girth for this species. The MFer looked like a damn Wahoo! It would've been a "News Maker" if I could've landed it, I promise that. Total Catch for the 3 Nights: 13 Oyster Toadfishs up to 2 lbs, 2 Southern Flounder, 9 Sand Perch, 1 Black Sea Bass, 4 Bluefish, 2 Atlantic Silversides, 4 Croakers, and 5 Pinfish
That's a fine-looking Green Bay shirt you have there, sir.