Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 7 and 8 Hatteras Dock Fishing

Night 1 (June 7) Capt Marty vs. Paul Terry. I fished sea urchins and blue crabs for Sheepshead most of the night. I had one bite on a crab that I missed. We were not able to catch any decent live bait for Flounder.... Paul fished a 2 hook bottom rig. The catch of the night was Paul's Gulf Sea Mullet, which is the first Sea Mullet I've ever seen caught in the Ferry Basin in my many nights of hardcore fishing in this location since 2002. Victory to Paul Terry

Night 2 (June 8) Capt Marty vs. Paul Terry. Fish were biting tonight. The headliner was my 1 lb 4 oz Southern Sea Mullet that I caught on a live Silverside. Very strange combination. On my next cast, I caugh a 1 lb Southern Sea Mullet. Catching a Sea Mullet on live bait, at night, under lights and by heavy structure is not a normal catch. Doing it back to back was Double Weird. The Flounder and the Oyster Toadfish were also biting. Victory to Capt Marty Total Catch for Both Nights: 2 Southern Sea Mullet, 1 Gulf Sea Mullet, 11 Southern Flounder, 14 Sand Perch, 14 Oyster Toadfish,1 5 Bluefish, 7 Black Sea Bass, 8 Croaker, 9 Pinfish, and 1 Conger Eel


  1. Camera Battery was dead. Cost me my first Sea Mullet shot since November of 2009. Paul Terry cleaning Oyster Toads was good too. I will have an "Oyster Toad" taste report in a couple of day!

  2. Happy Birthday Mike! I hear the NCAA is getting you and Butch something together.... Hopefully it will arrive before your birthday so you can enjoy the party!!!

  3. Story is worthless without pictures.

  4. Oyster Toad was tasty white meat but a little mushy. Conger Eel was tasty white meat, great texture, but little bones were pesky. Flounder and Sea Mullet were tasty but really didn't outshine the Eel and Toad by much. Are we starting a taste revolution...... I doubt it. Can't see the Oyster Toad shining on the menu in many fine restaurants.
