Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sept 6 Good Red Drum Fishing in the Neuse River

Lots to do today so this is going to be short and sweet. We fished late afternoon/early evening. It was bumpy on the Neuse River. Fished down at Piney Point. Fishing was good with a real good hour right before dark. Missed a few bites. We expected the fishing to really take off after dark, but it never materialized. We finished up with one slot Drum to keep. We released one 20 lb Red Drum. All the rest were Citation releases, with 3 in the 50 lb class. Tuggy had the best for last with a 54 lb Red Drum that was the last one caught. Total Catch for the Day: 11 Red Drum and 6 Southern Stingrays


  1. Well, here I thought you quit fishing and turns out you're catching drum the size of my children and fussin' about only getting one keeper.

    Nice work, Cap'n.

    Your company motto should be "Topwater Charters: Making Everybody Else Look Like They Can't Fish since 1970."

    Seriously, that's some serious drum.

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  3. Glad to see you fishing again Top Water. You seem to be catching your share of bad weather with the week on week off schedule. Maybe it will even out this Fall. Catch em up.

  4. Wow...those are some of the nicest hogs I've seen this year.
