Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nov 22 Late Night at Hatteras with Squid and Speckled Trout

With bad weather right around the corner.... I pushed the limits of my endurance and did a double header tonight of Squid jigging and mirrorlure slinging. Both ideas worked out for a change! The Squid were off to flying start, I caught 9 nice Squid pretty quickly, but I turned that fishery over to a friend that wanted some calamari worse than I did. After cleaning up the mess I made cooking up some Speckled Trout fillets in the galley earlier, I got bored and drove out to the Frisco Pier. It was a beautiful night, but the tide was falling and was really low water already. I said, what else do I have to do, so I tossed the first cast of the night.... Three reel handle turns later, the rod bowed and a 18" Speckled Trout surfaced and shook his head all the way to the beach. An hour later, I had 4 Speckled Trout on the Beach. That bag limit was made up by 2 at 18" and 2 at 17". I also released 4 smaller ones from 15" to 13". Another very satisfying Speckled Trout expedition. I love them on a mirrorlure, at night, from the surf. Nice adventure. Total Catch for the Night: 8 Speckled Trout up to 2 lbs and 9 Squid up to 19"


  1. Nice fishing, Capt. Are those squid you are catching good to eat? Is there anywhere around Moorehead City to catch them? Just wondering.

    Bobby C

  2. I think I answered this once.... Back in the day (1998-2001) I used to do alot of Ribbonfishing around Beaufort Inlet.... This fishery is a good mimic of a Squid Fishery... We used to catch and see a few Squid, but nothing like I see and catch around Hatteras Inlet in the Nov-Jan window in the past 4-5 years. Maybe somebody should try because perhaps the Ribbonfish fishery was not a cold water activity....
