Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov 28 World Record Tautog on Fly Near Miss

I've caught a bunch of Squid this week. All my friends have eaten plenty of calamari. So, to mix things up, I broke out the 3wt fly rod. On the North Side, I found the Squid eager to attack a fly or anything else that moves. On a fly, the problem was hooking one. Squid are impossible to hook unless they "grab" a point. That's why a "squid jig" has 8-16 points. Anyway, drawing strikes, losing them and landing a few of them is a blast! Squid after Squid. Night after Night.another. It has been Great fun.....   Meanwhile, over at the South Side, there hasn't been a lot of action. But I've been playing with the fly rod anyway..... Lots of empty drops with the Squid jig and empty casts with gulps, grubs, and mirrorlures... I didn't try the fly rod over there until Sunday Night. After a few empty casts and after dropping my fly by a set of pilings suddenly a mystery fish darted out of the shadows and examined my fly. A look but not a take! "What on Earth was that" I wondered. On my next cast, the fish rolled out of the shadowsbagain and turned on it's side. No mistaking that profile. Tautog, and a nice one too. Not a traditional fly fishing target, to say the least! Not my field of expertise, but I would think it is nearly impossible to target and not very receptive to a fly.... But, hey, I had found an opponent and I was in a ballgame! The next cast was looking bleak, then with one mad rush, the 3-4 lbTautog enhaled the fly right before my eyes and I was hooked up! The tiny 3wt rod was bent double, triple, flexing to the reel seat as my hefty Tautog dug for the bottom. Twenty seconds later, the hook pulled... It was over dammit. In retrospect, the 2011 IGFA Record Book showed the 6 lb Tippet Tautog Records to be at 1lb 10oz and the one I hooked up was easily a 3-4 pounder. Anyway, he escaped so what the heck........ The great thing was, now I could focus on Squid on the North side and Tautogs on the South side. Fearing that my ultralight fly rod was overmatched around all the rocks and pilings, I went to conventional tackle and 40# mono for Tautog.........   After losing the first Tautog on fly Sunday night, I managed to land 3 later that night from 2-3 pounds each on cut squid. Monday night I caught another 2lb Tautog, but I had a shot at a 5-6 pound career best Tautog, but I couldn't coax this one to eat. He charged the bait, flashed underneath, rolled, and did a headstand on top of it. It was 20 minutes of drama and tension, but the big one never ate the bait! Bait fishing bycatch consisted of baby Bluefish, Bass, and Oyster Toads...  Meanwhile, on the Hatteras side, The Squid continued to bite.....  Total Catch for Sunday and Monday Nights: 38 Squid up to 18", 4 Tautog up to 3 lbs, 6 Bluefish, 1 Black Sea Bass, and 1 Oyster Toadfish     Pictures Later

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