Friday, November 4, 2011

Nov 3 Carolina Inshore Grand Slam X 5

No charter today, dammit... The lovely Miss Robin is get pretty much moved in and squared away... Boat fixed... Light winds, sunny, good tides... Guess what I did.... Finally... Went fishing and fishing was good. Albacore were everywhere, but competition was tough and the fish were moving around alot. I tried for an hour and released 5 on metal and light spinning tackle.. Then I went to the Cape Lookout Rock Jetty and fishing was excellent, nearly every cast fishing!. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the "Large Trout" spot so I didn't get involved with that. However, in an hour, I did manage to catch a bunch of Speckled and Gray Trout and 2 nice Red Drum. Then I found some more Red Drum on the Shackleford Banks Beach and caught a few more. Finally, back in Taylor's Creek and the Flounder were chewing again. I caught 4 nice ones up to 4 lbs and a couple of throwbacks with very little effort. All in all, a great day. Sorry about the crappy self-portraits, but thats all I got when fishing alone... I need some help guys... Let's go fishing! Total Catch for the Day: 5 Red Drum up to 7 lbs, 6 Southern Flounder up to 4 lbs, 18 Speckled Trout up to 1 lb, 2 Gray Trout up to 2 lbs, 7 Albacore up to 12 lbs, 1 Black Sea Bass at 13", 4 Pinfish and 1 Spottail Pinfish


  1. Congratulations on your new roommate...nice coupla fish too. Too bad our season here pretty much dies this week...

  2. Fishing is really good right now.... I have had 4 cancellations in a row.... Terrible luck with charters, too bad because fishing is great. Speckled Trout is great right now. I really haven't taken advantage of it yet!
