Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apr 3 Great Weather & Great Fishing

It was a beautiful morning. Capt Christopher Columbus (not really!) sailed the Ocean Blue on the Top Water Boat. On the first cast of the day Shane caught a 40 lb Cownose Ray on my first cast with a bucktail. There were so many Rays, in fact, That they effectively hid the Red Drum schools, if they are still around??? He did report tens of thousands of Cownose Rays from the Cape Lookout Bight to the Cape Lookout Shoals. Capt Chris did a quick change of plans and ran a few miles east and we hit the fishy motherlode. Vertical jigging brought fish on every drop. Nice Fish. Bluefish from 1-3 lbs. Gray Trout up to 21". Black Sea Bass from 12" to 17". Albacore were a cast away. He did catch one off the bottom that really fooled him.... The first Pinfish of the year caught on my Boat, was also caught on a stingsilver jigged over the wreck! The boys also saw a big (10-15 lb) mystery fish on top. Had to be a Chopper Bluefish. Whatever he was, he wouldn't bite... All in all, a great day of fishing. They didn't leave the dock until 11am and from 1:00 to 4:30, we were flat out bailing fish! Total Catch for the Day: 5 Albacore up to 10lbs, 2 Gray Trout up to 3 lb 8 oz, 15 Black Sea Bass up to 3 lbs, 60 Bluefish 1-3 lbs, 1 Pinfish at 1 lb and 1 Cownose Ray at 40 lbs 


  1. Nice Trout.
    Nice Bass.
    Nice Day.

    your Buddy
    Flemish Cap

  2. Thanks for the phone call!!!


  3. Tugwell

    I just sat in my bean bag and observed. It was a last second, pretty day decision. Sorry about hte NO CALL. You are more than welcome to come use my Boat at any time.
