Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 12 Happy Mother's Day and a Largemouth Bass on the Fly

Today I was catching food for my pets (an Oscar named de LaHoya, a Bluegill named Little Sid, a Pumpkinseed named Jeffrey Dahmer, and a Algae Eater named Jeremy) and I nailed a spunky Largemouth Bass on my 3wt fly rod and a popping bug.... The aquarium fish are pulverizing misquitofish and mummichogs. The Oscar gets bigger every day. Total Catch for the Day: 1 Largemouth Bass

Also, Tomorrow is my FINAL STEROID INJECTION. Hopefully, this little chapter of my life is nearly over. I know things may never be the same, but I certainly hope that I will be deemed WELL ENOUGH to return to work.....


  1. Hope all goes well the injection in the morning.lmk when ur done.Don't do anything just relax for the rest of the day.Dr.'s orders! Jenn:):):)

  2. Okey Dokey, Boss..... But I need that Bluefish Citation!

  3. Okey Dokey, Boss..... But I need that Bluefish Citation!

  4. You will get a citation alright,but it will be a Jenn

  5. Do you get a citation for banging? Or just boating? Bikini Girl citation. Stella citation. Fried Chicken Girl citation. Robin citation. JeNN citation. Thats a Super Grand Slam........ Capt Marty is my hero

  6. This looks like a Tuggy joke. Thanks Tuggwell
