Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7 Chopper Bluefish & Wild Turkey Hunting

Capt Chris Chadwick took the Top Water Boat out today and thanks to Capt Chris Kimrey (Custom Saltwater Taxidermy and Mount Maker Charters) we caught 10-14 lb Bluefish on top water plugs in 1-4 feet of water. Awesome sight casting and top water action... I'll have to check with the Captain for a count... Also, its worth adding that Capt Chris Chadwick picked me up this morning at 4am and allowed me the honor to join him on a Turkey Hunting Expedition. Unfortunately, the Turkeys made Turkeys out of us by not showing up.... Turkeys or Cobias, Im not sure which is more annoying. I had a blast though. I found some bear tracks and followed them far enough to find a big pile of Bear Shit! And I can definitely say that this Bear did actually shit in the woods! I also saw my first Fox Squirrel. I also saw a beautiful Painted Horse with one blue eye and one brown eye. Cool. Pictures from today's adventure will be posted after tommorrows adventure! Thanks for everyone's patience with my horrible fishing reports and my horrible Marty's Life Reports. To those that propelled me towards my early demise.... Sorry, yall need to try harder. Capt Marty is on the comeback trail... Total Catch for the Day: 6 Bluefish up to 14 lbs


  1. So did you enjoy your day?OK past is the past let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!You love the water&fishing,so get back in the game&regrets,karma&etc.good bye to it all..JeNN

  2. Call me you big sexy beast

  3. Yada Yada Yada.... Go catch a Cobia dude
