Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2 Beaufort Pond Grand Slam on Fly

Five minutes with my 3 wt Fly Rod and a popping bug produced 3 bites. 3 catches. 3 species. And another incredible Beaufort Freshwater Fly Rod Grand Slam.... Went back to catch some minnows to feed Little Sid and Oscar de LaHoya and caught more Bass and more Bream on the fly!!!  Total Catch for the Day: 4 Largemouth Bass, 3 Pumpkinseed and 3 Bluegill


  1. What happened to all the joy and delight and glad tidings of July 1?

  2. Well, Capt Marty is trying a different strategy. Keep it quiet. I can tell you this much, my Happiness Meter is pegged.
